Language Arts - Throughout the school year, students work on developing reading and writing skills. They practice many sight words. A goal by the end of the year is for all students to be able to read the first 30 words on the primer grade word list. They will use various phonics skills in order to read and spell basic words. The students also develop a growing understanding of literary skills, such as knowing who the characters are, understanding the plot, and relating the story to themselves or their life using comparing and contrasting skills. Students are introduced to basic grammar concepts such as complete sentences and parts of speech. Handwriting practice is supported through the Handwriting Without Tears program.
Math - The Saxon Math curriculum has an incremental structure that distributes content throughout the year. This integrated and connected approach provides deep, long-term mastery of the content and skills. Kindergartners work on counting, basic addition and subtraction facts, measurement, time, money, properties of basic shapes and solid figures, and identify numbers and patterns.
Science - Students will be engaged in hands-on activities using modules developed by FOSS. Students will engage in science and engineering practices by asking questions, participating in collaborative investigations, and designing objects. We have three units of study throughout the year. Materials and Motions provide students with experience exploring common materials such as wood, paper and fabric. Students will investigate the effects of pushes and pulls on an object. The trees and weather unit provide students with solid experience of observing trees, plants and weather patterns. Animal two by two module allows students to explore and compare common animals. They learn what animals need to live and grow and the basic structure and behaviors of each.
Social Studies - Students will learn about solving problems with others and how to be a good helper at school. Students will take a close look at a neighborhood and the greater world. Students will discover how people live differently around the world, and how we can take care of our world.
Our Faith
Religion - Sadleir‘s We Believe series offers comprehensive religious education programs that present the essential Catholic beliefs and family life materials. The students’ relationship with God continues to develop through our actions and prayer. They will know that God is good in their lives, and they should try to live like Jesus. Faith formation is supported by our Weekly Promise magazine, which is related to the weekly Gospel readings at church. We will also celebrate different Church events throughout the year (Lent, Easter, Saint Feast Days, Rosary). Students will practice reciting the following prayers: Angelus, Guardian Angel, Hail Mary, Meal Prayer and Our Father.